Chapter 19: CPT Evaluation & Management Section Textbook Section 19B.3 Answers and Rationale.

  1. Answer: C. Moderate

    Rationale: The patient is in for follow up of chronic conditions. The conditions are both established. Diabetes is worsening
    (2 points) and the hypertension is stable (1 point). There is no data reviews and moderate risk (one or more chronic illnesses
    with mild exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment). Medical decision making is Moderate.
  2. Answer: D. High

    Rationale: New problem to examiner, additional workup: dialysis (four points); Labs, EKG, and X-ray reviewed (three points);
    high level of risk (chronic illness posing a threat to life). The medical decision making is High.
  3. Answer: C. Moderate

    Rationale: New problem to examiner, no additional workup (three points); ultrasound reviewed (one point); moderate level of
    risk (simple mastectomy). The medical decision making is Moderate.
  4. Answer: D. High

    Rationale: Three problems worsening (six points); labs reviewed (one point); chronic illnesses posing a threat to life
    (exacerbation of congestive heart failure, poorly controlled hypertension, worsening acute renal failure due to cardio-renal
    syndrome). The medical decision making is High.
  5. Answer: C. Moderate
    Rationale: Two problems worsening (four points). No data reviewed with moderate level of risk (elective major surgery). The
    medical decision making is Moderate.