Chapter 19: CPT® Section Evaluation & Management Textbook Section 19B.1 Answers and Rationale.
- Answer: A. Problem Focused
Rationale: 1 element in HPI (Modifying Factor, No elements in ROS, and No elements in PFSH
CC: Follow up of hospitalization for pneumonia.
HPI: Modifying Factor – He was placed back on Singulair® and has been improving with his breathing since then.
ROS: None
PFSH: None -not required for an interval history - Answer: C. Detailed
Rationale: 4 elements in HPI, 2 elements in ROS, and 1 element in PFSH
CC: Asthma exacerbation
HPI: Duration—Two to three days
Associated signs and symptoms-cough
Quality—Productive cough
Severity—Getting worse
ROS: Constitutional—Denies fever or chills
Respiratory—Difficulty breathing
PFSH: Past History—Currently uses inhalers (current medication) - Answer: B. Expanded problem focused
Rationale: 3 elements in HPI, 1 element in ROS, 3 elements in PFSH
CC: Skin lesions
HPI: Location—Forehead and lateral to right eye
Duration—About a year
Associated Signs & Symptoms—another skin lesion lateral to right eye
ROS: Integumentary—No other skin complaints
Stated, “Otherwise well,” but this is not an indication that all other systems were reviewed.
PFSH: Past, Family, and Social all reviewed as it relates to skin. - Answer: D. Comprehensive
Rationale: 4 elements in HPI, Complete ROS, Complete PFSH
CC: Fever
HPI: Duration—Less than one day
Severity—High fever
Associated signs and symptoms—Decreased appetite
Modifying factor—Tylenol has been given which reduced the fever
ROS: GI—No vomiting or diarrhea
Resp—Parents unaware of any cough
Rest of review of systems reviewed and negative: Complete ROS
PFSH: Personal history—Current meds
Social history—Not exposed to second hand smoke
Family History—Mother is an asthmatic. - Answer: B. Expanded Problem focused
Rationale: 2 elements in HPI, 3 elements in ROS, 2 elements in PFSH
CC: ATV accident
HPI: Context—ATV accident
Location—Lip and chin lacerations
ROS: GI—Negative for nausea and vomiting
Eyes— Negative for blurred vision
Neuro—Negative for headache
PFSH: Past history—surgeries and illnesses reviewed, current meds
Social history—Nonsmoker, moderate alcohol
Note: Only 2 of 3 PFSH are needed for complete for Emergency Department, but all three are needed for a complete PFSH for a hospital admit.